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Enemy in the Mirror:

Love and Fury in the Pacific War

Paperback (344 pages), kindle
When a Japanese submarine surfaces on a summer night in 1942 to shell a gun battery on the Oregon coast, two young men embark on separate journeys. One will savor early victory, ecstatic love and the fiery destruction of his Japanese homeland. The other will lose his innocence in the ferocity of the Pacific War - well researched historical fiction.

Enemy in the Mirror:

by Mark Scott Smith

When a Japanese submarine surfaces on a summer night in 1942 to shell a gun battery on the Oregon coast, two young men embark on separate journeys. One will savor early victory, ecstatic love and the fiery destruction of his Japanese homeland. The other will lose his innocence in the ferocity of the Pacific War. At home and in the Pacific, the families and loved ones of these two warriors also pass through the storm of war.

Mark Scott Smith, the author of this well researched historical fiction novel, has packed his story with many visual metaphors that help establish the life and times of his colorful characters. His storyline is engaging and well written, with descriptions and dialogs that are pleasing and believable. Enemy in the Mirror is a good read for those searching for a better understanding of these tragic times.

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