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The Comintern

History of the Communist (Third) International

Paperback (220 pages)
The history of the Communist (Third) International, from its beginnings in 1919 as the center of world revolution through its degeneration at the hands of the Stalinist bureaucracy.

The Comintern

This history of the Communist (Third) International, from its beginnings in 1919 as the center of world revolution through its degeneration at the hands of the Stalinist bureaucracy, draws out lessons valid today to the work of building bridges to unite and rebuild a Left capable of fighting for radical social change.

The author Duncan Hallas (1925-2002) was a British socialist activist, speaker, writer and teacher. He wrote many essays, articles and books, including Trotsky's Marxism (Haymarket Books).

Communism, socialism, fascism...

For most of us, we see little difference, if any, between communism, socialism and fascism. They all seem to be different shades of the same twisted power grabs. It's therefore difficult to understand just why it is that Hitler was so bent on demonizing communism and going to war against Stalin, his equal in evil.

We first must gain insight into the stated goals of International Communism that emerged after the first World War, which this book attempts to do. Then look at Hitler and Stalin as rival mob bosses with a mutual distrust for each other strong enough to convince themselves that they'd better do unto the other before the other does unto them.

Related Scanning WWII links...

  • 25 Nov 36: Anti-Comintern Pact signed by 10 nations against communism
  • 06 Nov 37: Italy signs the Anti-Comintern Pact, joining Germany and Japan
  • 27 Sep 40: Germany, Italy and Japan sign Tripartite (Axis) Pact

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    History of the Communist (Third) International
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